Online and in person Family Mediation 

About Us



Advantage Mediation Ltd is a Family Mediation Service available nationally online and for face to face meetings in London and  Kent


Who is your mediator?




Here at Advantage Mediation Ltd there is complete transparency about who your will be working  with and what qualifications and experience your mediator has.


Your mediator is an experienced accredited Family Mediator trained by Resolution.


Your mediator has worked with families going through separation and divorce for nearly 30 years.


Your Mediator has also represented children, parents and grandparents within the family justice system for nearly 30 years .


MIAM (Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) 

Your Mediator is registered to conduct Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAMS)  by The Family Mediation Council. 

Advantage Mediation Ltd offers online Family Mediation and online Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings.

Online MIAM 



The voice of your child in mediation

Your Mediator is accredited by the Family Mediation Association to involve children in mediation. This is known as Child Inclusive Mediation.



Hybrid Mediation 

Your mediator  is trained to carry out lawyer inclusive mediation if suitable for you.


Mediation with the collaborative law process

Your mediator  is experienced in carrying our mediation within the collaborative law process.



Family Mediation


Family mediation is an approach which can be used for all family members including divorcing and separating couples, parents, older children, younger children and grandparents . 



 Do you need support and structure around the following?- 

Finances in Separation or relationship breakdown 

  • Money
  • Investments
  • Exploring financial realities
  • Property
  • Pensions
  • Business
  • Financial Support- Spousal Maintenance
  • Clean Break
  • Realistic options
  • Child support.
  • Debts
  • Insolvency



Children in separation or relationship breakdown

  • Child arrangements schedule
  • Where children will live 
  • Who children will see 
  • Communication between parents and children 
  • Schooling
  • Holidays
  • Children with disabilities
  • Autism
  • Conflict management
  • Living Abroad
  • Moving away 



Conflict resolution within families 

This includes disputes between family members. Family Mediation between mother and daughter, father and son, grandparents, steparents and extended families sd well as mediation for Special Guardians.


Changing a court order

If you have an existing court order which you wish to vary or someone else is trying to change Family mediation.can help .This may be a periodical payments or maintenance order or a child arrangements order.



Mediation Information and assessment 

We also undertake Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings (MIAM). This is usually a meeting for those who wish to apply to court. 


FMC Family Mediation Voucher scheme 

Advantage Mediation Ltd is registered to apply for The  Family Mediation Council  opia voucher scheme 

more details here 

Mediation Voucher Scheme - Family Mediation Council




Welcome to Advantage Mediation Ltd


Frequently Asked Questions. 


What is Family Mediation?


 Family Mediation is an independent dispute resolution process.  This is sometimes called supported negotiation. Mediation can be used instead of going to court or it can be used alongside the court process.


What is a Family Mediator? 


Family Mediators are trained to help resolve disputes over all issues faced by Families and separating couples, or specific issues such as arrangements for any children. Your mediator will meet with each of you.  The first meeting is usually separate but after that meetings are usually together. Your FWelcome amily Mediator will identify those issues you can’t agree on and help you to try and reach a solution which is acceptable to you both.


Family Mediators are neutral and will not take sides.  Family Mediators cannot give advice to either of you. You may wish to obtain legal advice alongside the mediation process . Your Family mediator can guide you as to if this is necessary and when is the most effective point for you to take legal advice.  You will work with a Resolution Trained Family Mediator  who can provide you  with general legal information.  This information will be given to both of you within the mediation if this is appropriate. 


What is The Family Mediation Council? 


The Family Mediation Council (FMC) sets standards for family mediation. Your Family Mediator  is registered with the Family Mediation Council  which sets the highest professional standards for mediation to be undertaken with families.


Why should I work with an accredited specialist


Many mediation organisations don’t tell you who you will be working with or what their qualifications and experience are.  At Advantage Mediation Ltd we are transparent in what we offer and we specialise in Family Disputes and arrangements.  We achieve practical, realistic and workable solutions, tailor made to your individual case.  All family issues including finances and children as well as family businesses and extended family such as grandparents. This can include working with accountants, chartered surveyors and Independent Financial Advisors and Independent Social workers. 


How can I book a Family  Mediation Family Mediation can be booked by emailing or by calling 07843069381.  Family Mediation online is available online throughout the country and face to face in Kent and Central London 


We work across the South Eastern region including Central London, Kent and Sussex at flexible times that suit you. This includes central London and in Kent, West Malling , Sevenoaks ,Kings Hill, Tonbridge, Tunbridge Wells, Maidstone, Sittingbourne, Chatham ,Dartford  and Ashford


For all clients from any area in the UK we offer online and remote Divorce and Family Mediation and MIAM (online Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting)









Urgent help


Free 24-hour National domestic abuse helpline 0808 2000 247

If you or someone else is in danger, call 999

Contact the Samaritans free on 116 123










Urgent help


Free 24-hour National domestic abuse helpline 0808 2000 247

If you or someone else is in danger, call 999

Contact the Samaritans free on 116 123

Urgent help


Free 24-hour National domestic abuse helpline 0808 2000 247

If you or someone else is in danger, call 999

Contact the Samaritans f3

Mary Raymont is a Resolution trained and Family Mediator Council accredited mediator.

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© Mary Raymont