Financial Disclosure


Preparation of Financial Information on Divorce



The First part of a financial mediation is often financial disclosure .  This can involve reviewing Form E so that you are clear on what you have got. 


Set out here is the link to the Form E.  The HMCTS Form Finder (  )  website has a page with the Form E and the notes for guidance


Because this is a court document prepared for use in every case there will be sections that are irrelevant to you. 


Please just go through the form as it will be useful to start going through the information as a checklist if nothing else. 


You may be unable to have time to make a start on this document prior to the mediation so it can be discussed in the mediation. 


There are attachments which the Form E also asks for which it is recommended you collect and which it will be useful if you can bring along.   


Whenever you see a grey box the form is asking you for a document.


During the mediation process we consider the information provided and identify any outstanding information or additional help required. This form is a tool only and its completion is voluntary (unless there is already a court application in which case it is compulsory)


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© Mary Raymont